To anyone who is already an iris enthusiast, or expert, or grower, or casual gardener, this story may be familiar. To anyone outside the world of iris, this story will probably be an eye opener, and a tour through a world you might hardly imagine really exists. It has all the makings of an epic story, spanning centuries and continents, involving science and luck, with characters from every place that has enough dirt and enough sun and enough water to grow a few weeds.
I won’t cover that much ground in this first post, but no doubt I will eventually tell of the adventures of the humble and magnificent iris, and its swashbuckling journey from the old world to the new, from manor house to interstate rest-stop, and mostly, of how two nice ladies in the countryside are going to try their hands at growing iris for more than just fun.
Certainly, there will be laughter and tears, great successes, and frustrating setbacks. And once a year, there will be a glorious, magnificent, stunning bloom season. It all begins in September, because the decree has come down:
So our story begins here, in September. Planting is wrapping up in our personal gardens, and the rush is on to get our Comedy of Iris test beds established, so our rhizomes can hunker down for a nice, wet winter (or so the weather experts promise us).
Thus, the players: Chris and Vanessa, two ladies who have pesky day jobs but still garden with a passion. We are members of local chapters of the American Iris Society, and have had plenty of dirt under our nails. We have toured professional grower’s facilities, and have been educated and warned that growing for fun and growing for profit are very different activities.
Being that we’re both level-headed and cautious, we are not proposing to put anyone growing professionally out of business, but we want to expand our own gardens to a more-than-average scope. We will be growing and hopefully selling iris, but more out of love for the plants than a grab for gold.
While sharing our process will be fun and hopefully entertaining, sharing our blooms and our love of iris is really the main goal. We are well out of bloom season now (except for the odd re-bloomer that still throws out one or two glorious blossoms before fall really begins), so you can look forward to photos in each post, to remind all of us why we go to so much trouble for one silly plant.
Sadly, the name of the iris is unknown. It’s a wonderful re-bloomer, and an excellent performer
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